Zaaizaad en pootgoed in de Nederlandse landbouw

N.H.H. Addens

    Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


    The annual input for seed was about 7.5 % of the total cost of the crop; selection and testing of new varieties costed only 0. 1 %; plant breeding increased the return from field crops by at least + % annually. After an introduction to the theme of which these are some of the main results there are 8 further chapters, dealing with: standards for seed; use and handling of seed; purchase of seed by farmers; local and regional seed exhibitions; introduction of new crops and varieties; field inspection of crops for seed; the Plant Breeders' Decree (1941); the marketing of Dutch seeds and seed potatoes. Changes in the testing of seeds and seed potatoes are sketched for the last three quarters of a century. Measures, which Dutch breeders, seed-growers, seed-merchants and the government were taking to improve varieties, seeds and seed potatoes are reviewed and discussed.

    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Dewez, W.J., Promotor, External person
    Award date6 Jun 1952
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 1952


    • seeds
    • spores
    • propagation
    • vegetative propagation
    • seed testing
    • netherlands
    • seed potatoes
    • potatoes

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