Windtunnelonderzoek naar de doorstroming van groenelementen rondom een veehouderijbedrijf : effecten van groenelementen op de luchtkwaliteit rond stalgebouwen door doorstroming van geventileerde stallucht

A.A. Pronk, H.J. Holterman, S. van der Meer, H. Erbrink, N.W.M. Ogink

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


According to theoretical considerations, green buffers of trees placed around emission sources, the so-called ‘vegetative environmental buffers’ improve air quality by reducing the concentrations of fine dust from animal housing. The reduction occurs because particles deposit onto the vegetative environmental buffers. However, deposition can only occur when emissions enter the vegetative environmental buffers. The configuration of the vegetative environmental buffer, such as height, shape and distance to the source, affects the fraction of emitted pollution from the animal housing ventilators that actually is blown into the vegetative environmental buffer and thus is susceptible to deposition. To evaluate the efficiency of vegetative environmental buffers on the concentration of fine particles in the emitted pollution from animal housing by ventilators, this fraction needs to be estimated. The aim of this study is therefore: to determine the fraction of ventilated air from animal housing that is blown into a vegetative environmental buffer which totally surrounds the animal housing, at different wind directions and wind speeds.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherPlant Research International
Number of pages62
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Publication series

NameRapport / Plant Research International
PublisherPlant Research International, Business Unit Agrosystems Research


  • wind tunnels
  • livestock enterprises
  • livestock farming
  • air quality
  • ventilation
  • animal housing
  • stalls
  • particulate matter
  • green infrastructure
  • ventilators

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