Wilsonema longicaudatum sp. nov. (nematoda: plectidae) from Poland

O.V. Holovachov, L. Hánel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Wilsonema longicaudatum sp. nov. is described from Biebrzaski Park Narodowy, Poland. The new species is characterized particularly in its rather long tail (54.5-62.0 m, c = 5.5-6.2, c' = 7.0-8.0) and more anterior vulva position (V = 44.2-45.9%), thus differing from all other species of the genus (ranges for other species: tail is 14-44 m, c = 7.0-18.5, c' = 2.0-4.5, V = 47.0-56.7%). Moreover, it differs from W. schuurmansstekhoveni in having a shorter rectum (10-11 m vs 18-28 m) and higher number of setae in pharyngeal region (six vs four) and tail (five vs four); from W. bangaloreiensis in having a longer body (337-350 m vs 197-249), lesser number of setae in pharyngeal region (six vs ten) and higher number of setae in the tail (five vs four).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)471-473
JournalAnnales zoologici
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • Biebrza
  • Description
  • Morphology
  • New species
  • Plectidae
  • Poland
  • Wilsonema


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