Who’s friends, who’s boss? Affiliation and hierarchy in agent societies

G.J. Hofstede, F.H.W. Ambrosius, E. Bokkers, I. Boumans

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperAcademic


The everyday life of people working in organizations requires con-tinuous coordination. In fact, coordination is what organizations are for. Yet people do not stick to what the organization prescribes for them to do. Human coordination is rife with issues of group affiliation, power, and leadership, and associated emotions. The fields of organizational behaviour and management reflect this. Modellers of organizational behaviour need to take these areas on board. This goes beyond formal organization. While sophisticated logics are used as well as intricate models of organizations, the social, volitional nature of the humans in them is hardly modelled, thus limiting the practical usability of these models. The article reviews the literature on group affiliation and hierar-chy in agent-based models. It gives pointers as to which developments seem promising for advancing MAS and social simulation. It discusses the potential of complementary roles in agent-based models for formal organisation and hu-man social nature. The MAIA meta-model for social simulation [7] serves as an example.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventWorkshop Social.Path 2014, Computational Social Science and Social Computer Science: Two Sides of the Same Coin -
Duration: 23 Jun 201424 Jun 2014


WorkshopWorkshop Social.Path 2014, Computational Social Science and Social Computer Science: Two Sides of the Same Coin


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