Weerbare radijs tegen Rhizoctonia: Onderzoek naar weerbaarheidsverhogende middelen

Kees Weerheim, Jan Janse, Marta Streminska

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Radish defensibility enhancement against Rhizoctonia solani was tested for 11 products or product combinations.
In the first phase, two laboratory experiments were performed. Firstly, antagonistic effects on Rhizoctonia of
the products was tested on petri dishes inoculated with Rhizoctonia. Secondly, treated radish seeds were placed
on petri dishes with Rhizoctonia. Subsequently a pot experiment took place in which the soil was inoculated
with Rhizoctonia and was treated with the products. Infection by the fungus became quickly visible during
germination. However, no differences in germination and fresh weight at harvest were found compared to the
untreated reference, except for the control and Rizolex treatment. Other ways of product application or different
implementation in the growing strategy may change the results.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationBleiswijk
PublisherWageningen UR Glastuinbouw
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Publication series

NameRapport GTB


  • radishes
  • raphanus sativus
  • greenhouse vegetables
  • greenhouse horticulture
  • rhizoctonia
  • defence
  • antagonism

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