Water, Works and Wages The everyday politics of Irrigation management reform in the Philippines

H.J.M. Oorthuizen

    Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademic


    Water, Works and Wages gives an in-depth assessment of the world-famous ‘Philippine experience’ in water resource management. It unravels the socio-political dimensions of large-scale irrigation management and shows the impact of turnover policies, the change to a financially autonomous irrigation agency (the NIA), and the dramatic downsizing of the agency’s workforce. Following a ‘state-in-society’ perspective, Oorthuizen show how people organize in the rough environment of the Philippine countryside. Boundaries between the ‘political’ and the ‘administrative’ are blurred and give way to alliances brought together by interpersonal relations based on political patronage and friendship. The author emphasizes the importance of finance for sustainable management. He puts forward a perspective that shifts away from mistrust of the government, towards an understanding of the circumstances under which public servants and farmers become accountable and committed actors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationIndia
    PublisherOrient Longman
    ISBN (Print)9788125025115
    Publication statusPublished - 2003

    Publication series

    NameWageningen University water resources series


    • irrigation
    • management
    • agrarian reform
    • philippines


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