Warmtewisselaars met gekromde buizen

J.D.H. Kelder, S. de Klerk

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


    Ultra High Temperature (UHT) sterilisation is a commonly applied technique to preserve liquid food products. Stork Food & Dairy Systems has marketed coiled tubular UHT-sterilisers. For viscous and especially for gelatinising foods (e.g. custard and pudding) spiral sterilisers bring superior performance. Heat transfer greatly increases and required temperatures are attained faster, thus reducing processing time. Coiled sterilisers are therefore shorter and more compact, minimising the loss of quality factors due to the heat treatment. Finally, gelatinisation occurs rapidly and uniformly, and de reduced thermo-mechanical stresses enable a potentially lower amount of starch needed to obtain a target consistency
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)14-16
    Issue number13
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


    • heat exchange
    • food technology
    • equipment
    • automation
    • thermal efficiency
    • rheology
    • liquids
    • flow

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