Vervroeging gewasgroei bij biologische aardappelen : onderzoek naar vervroeging van de gewasgroei en de kieming, snelheid van opkomst en knolaanleg van verschillende rassen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    In recent years the cultivation and marketing of organic potatoes was under great pressure. The most important reason for this was the potato disease late blight (Phytophthora infestans). If there is too much late blight in the crop, the crop will be burned. In some years, as in 2007, this happened early in the season and the yield was low and the quality was insufficient. Besides resistant varieties, there are only a few opportunities to escape from this notorious disease. Fortunately, more and more varieties are less susceptible, but at the moment the most susceptible varieties are most popular to retailers and consumers. Measurements to get earlier organic potato crops will allow to have more yield, before the disease strikes large numbers. Therefore, in this research the effect of possible acceleration measures were considered.
    Original languageDutch
    Place of PublicationLelystad
    PublisherPraktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving
    Number of pages43
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • solanum tuberosum
    • potatoes
    • early potatoes
    • earliness
    • plant development
    • organic farming
    • arable farming

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