Verspreiding van bloedgroepen in het Nederlandse zwartbonte rundvee : een onderzoek naar de frequenties van bloedgroepen en naar enige factoren, die de frequenties beinvloeden

G.J. Kraaij

    Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


    Blood groups are genetically determined components of the red blood cells. In cattle there were 13 loci known to determine blood groups and some of these loci had large series of alleles. There were also 14 other loci known to determine proteins and enzymes in blood and milk of cattle.

    The author examined how the distribution of blood groups in the Dutch Friesian population had been influenced by the restrictions of breeders. He found that parent cattle were paired independently of blood group. In offspring there was no selection for a certain phenotype until the end of the first year.

    There were clear differences in the frequency of some genes between adult bulls and cows. The gene for blood group A was less frequent in bulls and that for blood group F was less frequent in cows. This occurred in some foreign breeds of cattle.

    The distribution of blood groups over the population was not even. There were differences in gene frequency between breeding areas and in the breeding areas there were large differences between artificial insemination stations. Differences within farms and within breeding pedigrees were even greater. These differences could be ascribed largely to the use of one or only a few sires.

    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Stegenga, T., Promotor, External person
    Award date18 Oct 1967
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 1967


    • blood serum
    • fibrin
    • platelets
    • blood
    • erythrocytes
    • leukocytes
    • blood plasma
    • cattle
    • dairy breeds
    • netherlands
    • genetics
    • heritability
    • genetic variation

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