title = "Verplicht of vrijwillig? Draagvlak bij agrari{\"e}rs voor gebiedsbescherming in het kader van Natura 2000",
abstract = "The conservation of areas with special nature and landscape values by Natura 2000 (Birds Directive and Habitats Directive) may have major consequences for farmers in or near special protected areas (SPAs) or special areas of conservation (SACs). Natura 2000 obliges membership countries to protect certain types of habitats or habitats of certain species, whereas farmers have always been participating in agri-environmental schemes on a voluntary base. How should national governments implement the directives in areas where farmers have been managing nature voluntarily since decades? The compulsory character of the directives may undermine the willingness of farmers to participate in agri-environmental schemes that are connected to the directives. In this study, the possible implications for farmers from the Birds and Habitats Directives are reviewed. Next, the present willingness of farmers in the SPA/SAC Ilperveld, Oostzanerveld, Varkensland and Het Twiske to participate in nature management is examined. Furthermore, the effect of the probable compulsory character of the directives on this willingness is explored, including the factors influencing it. Finally, recommendations are given for maintaining or increasing the willingness to participate in agri-environmental schemes that are connected with the Birds and Habitats Directives",
keywords = "natuurbescherming, landbouw, overheidsbeleid, richtlijnen (directives), participatie, perceptie, nederland, agrarisch natuurbeheer, zaanstreek, nature conservation, agriculture, government policy, directives, participation, perception, netherlands, agri-environment schemes, zaanstreek",
author = "E. Kenbeek and {van Wingerden}, W.K.R.E.",
note = "NWS-I-2004-18",
year = "2004",
language = "Nederlands",
series = "Alterra-rapport",
publisher = "Alterra",
number = "1003",
address = "Netherlands",