Verbreding van de grondslagen voor de veredeling van gele voederlupine

H. Lamberts

    Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


    The author has isolated 19 new alkaloid-free plants from a local variety of Lupinus luteus. In one of them freedom from alkaloids was not determined by one of the three known recessive genes. A line from wild Spanish origin was resistant to mildew. The gene for mildew resistance was indicated by Er. The author found resistance to wilt disease (Fusarium oxysporum lupini) in Portuguese material. At least three physiological races are concerned. Some lines derived from the Dutch race have been attacked by mosaic disease only after flowering time.
    In plants from Palestine a rapid growing line (Pal-type) was found. Rapid growth was due to one dominant gene (Rp).

    An attempt was made to create highly productive varieties based on the Pal-type and on such types with a rapid juvenile development, resistance to mildew, wilt, mosaic disease, non-shattering pods which are easily threshable, soft- coated seeds and glabrous pods.

    The author showed how important the wild forms have been for the breeding. Only a small proportion of existing forms had been collected. A collection of lupins needed to be organized on an international footing, so that many countries may use these forms for their breeding work.
    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Dorst, J.C., Promotor, External person
    Award date25 Mar 1955
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Mar 1955


    • lupinus
    • lupins

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