title = "Valuation of functions of the Wadden Area",
abstract = "The rationale of this position paper is to explore ways to employ valuation methods to assess the impacts of alternative policy decisions on the functions of the Wadden Area. Based on this rationale, this paper aims to bring an ecological-economic perspective on the benefits of the Wadden Area. It highlights key issues involved in the notion and application of monetary valuation methods for valuing the (ecological) functions of the area. It also pays attention to the development of policy handles on the basis of the outcome of the valuation of ecological functions. Particularly, the paper discuss Payment for Environmental Services (PES), which aims at preservation and protection by purchasing conservation. The use of a valuation instrument within a Payment for Environmental Services Scheme is new. Valuation is of course an established technique within a Cost-Benefit framework. However, Payment for Environmental Services is an innovative way of designing policy instruments in the collaboration between ecologists and economists",
keywords = "ecologie, wetlands, landgebruik, kosten-batenanalyse, ecosysteemdiensten, ecology, wetlands, land use, cost benefit analysis, ecosystem services",
author = "H. Folmer and {van der Veen}, A. and {van der Heide}, C.M.",
year = "2010",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789490289171",
series = "Verkenningen 2010-01",
publisher = "Waddenacademie",
number = "2272000080",
address = "Netherlands",