title = "Validation and application of soil acidification models at local, national and European scale; a compilation of articles on the models NuCSAM, ReSAM and SMART",
abstract = "An overview is given of three dynamic soil acidification models for application on different spatial scales. NUCSAM, the model for the local scale, was validated on data from two intensively monitored research sites. Results of annual average soil solution concentrations and fluxes calculated with the validated NUCSAM model agreed well with those of the national-scale model RESAM and to a lesser extent with those of the European-scale model SMART. Various deposition scenarios for SOx, NOx and NHx on soils were evaluated with the three acidification models.",
keywords = "zure gronden, kattekleigronden, bosbouw, neerslag, zure regen, zure depositie, chemische eigenschappen, zuurgraad, modellen, onderzoek, acid soils, acid sulfate soils, forestry, precipitation, acid rain, acid deposition, chemical properties, acidity, models, research",
author = "J. Kros and J.E. Groenenberg and {van der Salm}, C. and {de Vries}, W. and G.J. Reinds",
year = "1996",
language = "English",
publisher = "Winand Staring Centre",
number = "98",
address = "Netherlands",