Validating the concept of the next generation greenhouse cultivation: an experiment with tomato

A. de Gelder, J.A. Dieleman

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademicpeer-review

    10 Citations (Scopus)


    For a more sustainable greenhouse horticulture, a considerable reduction of the use of energy is needed, but trade-offs with production and quality are not acceptable. The Next Generation Greenhouse Cultivation is a concept for energy saving, consisting of modules that can be implemented step by step into practice. Use of highly insulating screens, forced ventilation and the integration capacity of a crop are the main components of the concept. To validate the results of a desk study an experiment in a greenhouse of 1000 m2 equipped according to the concept was performed. The experiment proved that it was possible to produce 69 kg.m-2 truss tomatoes with an energy demand for heating of 750 MJ.m-2. In the Netherlands, this concept is currently applied in practical tomato cultivation and in several other crops.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management towards Sustainable Greenhouse Ecosystems Greensys2011
    EditorsC. Kittas, N. Katsoulas, T. Bartzanas
    Place of PublicationLeuven
    ISBN (Print)9789066053380
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventGreenSys 2011 -
    Duration: 6 Jun 201110 Jun 2011


    Conference/symposiumGreenSys 2011


    • Cropping system
    • Energy
    • Humidity
    • Insulation
    • Tomato
    • Ventilation


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