Vaccines for viral and parasitic diseases produced with baculovirus vectors

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91 Citations (Scopus)


The baculovirus¿insect cell expression system is an approved system for the production of viral antigens with vaccine potential for humans and animals and has been used for production of subunit vaccines against parasitic diseases as well. Many candidate subunit vaccines have been expressed in this system and immunization commonly led to protective immunity against pathogen challenge. The first vaccines produced in insect cells for animal use are now on the market. This chapter deals with the tailoring of the baculovirus¿insect cell expression system for vaccine production in terms of expression levels, integrity and immunogenicity of recombinant proteins, and baculovirus genome stability. Various expression strategies are discussed including chimeric, viruslike particles, baculovirus display of foreign antigens on budded virions or in occlusion bodies, and specialized baculovirus vectors with mammalian promoters that express the antigen in the immunized individual. A historical overview shows the wide variety of viral (glyco)proteins that have successfully been expressed in this system for vaccine purposes. The potential of this expression system for antiparasite vaccines is illustrated. The combination of subunit vaccines and marker tests, both based on antigens expressed in insect cells, provides a powerful tool to combat disease and to monitor infectious agents.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)193-253
Number of pages11
JournalAdvances in Virus Research
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • virus-like particles
  • respiratory syncytial virus
  • infectious bursal disease
  • swine-fever virus
  • nuclear polyhedrosis-virus
  • influenza-a virus
  • merozoite surface protein-1
  • chimeric fg glycoprotein
  • parvovirus empty capsids
  • hemagglutinin-neuraminidase gl


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