Use of halogenated sulfonates as a stabilizer booster in PVC

D.S. van Es (Inventor), J. van Haveren (Inventor), A.E. Frissen (Inventor), J.C. van der Kolk (Inventor), G.H.F. Schmets (Inventor), H.W. Huisman (Inventor), H.B. Harvey (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The invention relates to a process to make stabilized PVC wherein use is made of at least one compound of formula (I), wherein M is selected from the group consisting of alkali metals, alkali earth metals, Al, and transition elements, and R is selected from the group consisting of substituted, linear or branched, alkyl, cycloalkal, aryl alkaryl, and aralkyl moieties, the substituents comprising at least one or more electron-withdrawing groups, as a color stability booster.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO03016390
    Priority date15/08/01
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 2003


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