Use of Geo-Information in Policy: Limitations and Advantages

L.A.E. Vullings, J.D. Bulens, E.G.M. Dessing, M.H.G.I. Danes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


In 2010 the impact of geo-information to support policy of the Dutch ministry of Agriculture is analysed. To date the use of geo- information is not very common in the daily practice of the Dutch ministry of Agriculture. The main research question was: Why is geo- information not used within policy and how can this be improved. Geo-information can play a supporting role in all phases of the policy cycle. Advantages such as increasing spatial cognition and effectiveness are recognised. Connecting data and models to spatial themes is an easy way to visualise spatial relationships. Disadvantages are the costs of acquiring data, maintaining hard- and software and how to use these adequately. It is expected, though, that the use of geo-information in appropriate applications leads to better results in a shorter period of time.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the AGILE'2012 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, 24-27 April 2012, Avignon, France
EditorsJ. Gensel, D. Josselin, D. Vandenbroucke
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventAGILE'2012 on Bridging the Geographic Information Science Avignon, France -
Duration: 24 Apr 201227 Apr 2012

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in GeoInformation and Cartography
ISSN (Print)1863-2246


Conference/symposiumAGILE'2012 on Bridging the Geographic Information Science Avignon, France


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