Use of gas production technique to estimate the rate and extent of starch degradation from starchy feedstuffs in rumen fluid

W.Z. Chai, A.H. van Gelder, J.W. Cone

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Gas production (GP) and starch degradation (STAD) from
    starchy feedstuffs were measured simultaneously by in-vitro incubation
    in buffered rumen fluid after 0, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 and 24 h incubation
    to explore the possibility to estimate STAD via GP technique for
    starchy feedstuffs. The results showed the ranking in the initial degree
    of starch degradation and gas production. Potato starch and maize
    had the slowest initial rate, and tapioca, corncob mix and barley had
    the fastest ones in STAD. Starch degradation of Over 75% took place
    after 6-h incubation and nearly finished completely in 24-h incubation. Potato starch and maize, likewise, had the slowest initial rate
    of gas production, and however the fastest initial rate was found in
    the samples with smallest total starch content (TSC) such as pea and
    barley. Gas production was in line with the starch degradation, but
    the linking degree between GP and STAD varied with the samples
    with different TSC, especially in the initial incubation. Overall regression indicated a strong correlationship between GP and STAD with
    R2 0.88 and for individual sample, R2 ranged from 0.93 1.00. The
    regression relationship was affected by TSC of the sample. A larger
    TSC displayed a higher coefficient and constant as well. R2 for the
    constant and coefficient regression with TSC was 0.88 and 0.91 respectively. The multiple linear regression was made via TSC and GP as
    two main predictors: STAD=-318.14+0.427*TSC+1.876*GP(R2=0.95,
    RSD=48.71, P=0.0000). The estimation equation was further modified by using GP as main predictor and its constant and coefficient
    was, however, indirectly estimated by incorporating the regressions
    of constant and coefficient with TSC instead of direct estimation:
    STAD=(0.2088*TSC+168.55)+GP*(0.00136*TSC+0.9654)(R2=0.97, RSD=41.2, P=0.0000). R2 and RSD in both equations were well improved if compared with the values of 0.88 and 76.15 of the regression
    using GP as unique predictor. The much higher in R2 and RSD of
    the second equation indicated the modified equation was more accurate
    and robust. Gas production technique can be used to estimate the rate
    and extent of starch degradation in rumen fluid, as long as the starch
    content is taking into account.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)286-286
    JournalJournal of Dairy Science
    Issue numbersuppl. 1
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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