Unieke genetische variatie in een bijzondere Nederlandse rundveestapel met zeldzame kleuren en aftekeningen

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The herd of van der Veen family consists of about 40 cattle with the color-sided pattern and the rare diluted and roan color. Rare colors and pattern that are brought together through years of targeted breeding and conservation. The exclusive herd of small size therefore has unique combinations of rare alleles and genotypes. Because there are no registration papers present, the genetic make-up of this herd was investigated through DNA analysis. The herd of van der Veen family does not cluster with any one of the local Dutch cattle breeds and therefore consists of unique combinations of breeds and genetic diversity. The observed rare colors were verified through DNA analysis. The DNA, expect for one individual, matched the observed color for red/black and the absence or presence of the diluted color. F or the color-sided pattern, and the spotted and roan color no conclusions could be made as the mutation itself was not genotyped. Based on DNA all known mother-offspring relationships were verified and DNA also provided insights concerning other relationships between the individuals. The herd consists of unique combinations of rare colors and pattern and the animals are genetically unique. It is therefore important to conserve the genetic diversity within this herd.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameCGN rapport

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