Uitwerking concept MaxiMi: op weg naar resultaatgestuurd mestbeleid?

Gerard H. Ros, Henk Janssen, Nicole Bartelds, Henri Holster

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Towards the end of 2017, the ministry of Economic Affairs organized a hackathon to produce smart solutions for the manure problem in the Netherlands. The winning team came up with an innovative concept that utilizes the innovative powers of entrepreneurs by means of smart, area directed
management of manure and minerals. The concept is named MaxiMi, short for ‘Maximal environmental performance by Minimal (government) effort’. MaxiMi
has the ambition to renew the present input directed manure policy by means of a result oriented approach, in which the quality of water (both in the soil and on its surface) directs agricultural management. This means a shift from Compliance to Environmental Performance and at the same time a shift from public to private direction (control and maintenance) with possibilities for horizontal supervision by authorities. The approach uses sensors and a data based (and self-learning) machine learning system, which couples parcel properties, soil management and fertilization (read: measures) to water quality in the area. In this way, MaxiMi offers a fact based action perspective to the entrepreneur and stimulates sustainable management. Besides the data will be available for advisory services directed at effective management decisions. In this way the innovation power of the agricultural sector will be deployed to integrate agricultural enterprise objectives with water quality objectives for the area.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Environmental Research
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

NameWageningen Environmental Research rapport
ISSN (Print)1566-7197

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