Turboveg v.3 – A gateway to vegetation databases

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


Although Turboveg v.2 is acceptable for many users, the need for a better database model has been growing to overcome the current version’s shortcomings. The Dutch National Vegetation Database requires information regarding the distribution and range of Natura 2000 habitats every 6 years for a report to the EU, and ‘quality status A’ is required. Therefore, a proper database
model had to be set up. Because v.2 normally deals with multiple databases, and potentially different databases structures and different taxonomies, it was the challenge to deal with all these differences in a single SQL-based database (SQLite for locally stored databases).
A new Turboveg v.3 is now underway. The prototype not only is able to import Turboveg v.2 databases but also already contains functions to select data and to export selected plot observations to various formats for further processing with other programs. For example, plots observations can already be exported for use in JUICE, GIS and Excel. Moreover, editing of plot data is already build in, including sophisticated localization by means of an integrated Google
Maps. Storage of metadata is also included for almost every level in the database. Information on data providers (custodians), and the accessibility of data can be stored on the level of plot observation. A clear distinction between plots and plot observations is also supported in the database model and the software.
The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) currently comprises almost 1.5 million plot observations and much different taxonomy. By integrating a crosswalk between the many different taxonomies (already more than 40), an analysis of such large heterogeneous data sets has now become feasible. For the dissemination of the data the EVA Data Property and Governance Rules will be
followed (euroveg.org/download/eva-rules.pdf).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCAFF Proceedings Report September 2019
Subtitle of host publicationArctic Vegetation Archive and Arctic Vegetation Classification: Proceedings and abstracts from two workshops
PublisherCAFF Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameCAFF Proceeding Series Report


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