Treaties can be a non-starter: A multi-track and multilateral dialogue approach for Brahmaputra Basin

Anamika Barua, Sumit Vij*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


Countries sharing the Brahmaputra River have for decades deliberated on formulating and implementing cooperative strategies to develop the potential of the basin. Yet, little progress has been made so far at the government-togovernment track 1 level in achieving regional cooperation due to the diverse national interests of the riparian countries. This has led to tension and friction among co-riparian nations and mistrust at political level. Drawing from the Brahmaputra Dialogue, this paper aims to highlight the merit of multi-track and multilateral dialogue processes for building trust and confidence between the riparian countries - paving a way towards transboundary cooperation. The paper concludes that given the geo-politics and the national interests of each riparian nation, negotiation for a treaty for cooperation through track 1 diplomacy, in the Brahmaputra River Basin (BRB), is a non-starter. Multi-track and multilateral dialogues can provide a platform to pursue positive interactions and can be viewed as an extension to existing state-diplomacy in BRB, to bring about sustainable change in the basin management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1027-1041
JournalWater Policy
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018


  • Brahmaputra River Basin
  • Dialogue process
  • Multi-track
  • Multilateral
  • South Asia
  • Transboundary


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