title = "Trade opportunities for Dutch agribusiness in Turkey and Israel",
abstract = "This study analyses the agricultural trade relations of the Netherlands with Turkey and with Israel, and investigates the present market positions of the Dutch agribusiness in the two countries. Based on a review of market and agri-food supply chain developments, opportunities for expansion of trade and strengthening of Dutch positions in these two countries are evaluated. The study points at the many export and/or investment opportunities in Turkey for Dutch agribusiness in food products and input supplies and services. At the same time, basic conditions in Israel are not conducive to booming export prospects for Dutch agribusiness companies. The study, conducted at the request of the Ministry of Landbouw Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit, may help the Ministry's desk in Ankara prioritising its activities in Turkey and Israel.",
keywords = "agrarische economie, agrarische handel, handelsrelaties, landbouwindustrie, export, investering, turkije, isra{\"e}l, nederland, agro-industri{\"e}le ketens, agricultural economics, agricultural trade, trade relations, agribusiness, exports, investment, turkey, israel, netherlands, agro-industrial chains",
author = "{van Berkum}, S. and H.J. Kelholt",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789086151950",
series = "Report / LEI : Domain 5, Chains",
publisher = "LEI",
address = "Netherlands",