Towards PAT bioprocess monitoring and control: near infrared and software sensor

Z.I.T.A. Soons, M. Streefland, A.J.B. van Boxtel

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperAcademicpeer-review


Abstract Two advanced techniques have been compared to enhance bioprocess monitoring and control by online reconstruction of biomass and specific growth rate for feedback control: a software sensor based on standard measurements of the oxygen uptake rate and inline near infrared spectroscopy. An automatic search method for wavelength selection was proposed to enhance the prection ability of the near infrared method. Both techniques perform well, however when it comes to feedback control, the software sensor is preferred, because it is more robust against variations in the operating conditions and noise. The results are shown on real cultivations of Bordetella pertussis.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventCHEMPOR 2008 -
Duration: 4 Sept 20086 Sept 2008


Conference/symposiumCHEMPOR 2008


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