In the beginning of the 21st century thedevelopment of the agricultural sector in most of themodem industrialized countries continues to followthe main directions that have already been laiddown, but in doing so it is influenced and challengedat the same time by a number of factors in a wideropment, besides the ongoing integration in society,are the agricultural sector's strive for an equal de-velopment in economic and social terms and the im-pact of the ongoing technological development. Itwill be affected by an accelerating globalisation andliberalisation of agricultural production and trade.This seems to give the big multinational chains afree hand for a unilateral optimization of economicprogress, facilitated by technological progress andrapidly transferable knowledge. The increasinghowever, leads to a balanced strategy, in which notonly economy (profit) but also ecology (planet) andthe norms and values of technology and societyto be a generally new three dimensional frameworkfor further development in all branches' of industry,including agriculture. It will have big consequencesfor operating and that goes for the Dutch agricultur-al sector too. This new framework which can beused as a tool for guidance in organizing and devel-oping agricultural science and technology, is elabo-rated in this contribution.
Original language | English |
Publication status | Published - 2001 |