Tools and Technologies for the Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of Unwanted Catches

Kelly M. James, Neill Campbell, Jónas R. Viðarsson, Carlos Vilas, Kristian S. Plet-Hansen, Lisa Borges, Óscar González, A.T.M. van Helmond, Ricardo I. Pérez-Martín, Luis Taboada Antelo, Jorge Pérez-Bouzada, Clara Ulrich

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


A key requirement for the successful implementation of the Landing Obligation is the need to monitor and regulate unwanted catches at sea. This issue is
particularly challenging because of the large number of vessels and trips that need to be monitored and the remoteness of vessels at sea. Several options exist in theory, ranging from patrol vessels to onboard observers and self-sampling. Increasingly though, technology is developing to provide remote Electronic Monitoring (EM) with cameras at lower costs. This chapter first provides an overall synthesis of the pro’s and con’s of several monitoring tools and technologies. Four EM technologies already trialled in EU fisheries are then summarised. We conclude that it is now possible to conduct reliable and cost-effective monitoring of unwanted catches at sea, especially if various options are used in combination. However, effective monitoring is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the Landing Obligation but insufficient unless it is implemented with a high level of coverage and with the support of the fishing industry.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe European Landing Obligation
Subtitle of host publicationReducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries
EditorsSven Sebastian Uhlmann, Clara Ulrich, Steven J. Kennelly
ISBN (Electronic)9783030033088
ISBN (Print)9783030033071
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2018


  • Compliance
  • Electronic monitoring
  • Observers
  • Unreported discards
  • Video


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