Tool to determine the coefficient of variation of DegT50 of plant protection products in water-sediment systems for different values of the sorption coefficient

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


In the present Dutch registration procedure and the EU procedure for inclusion of pesticides in a positive Community list of pesticide substances ( Annex1 ; Directive 91/414) inverse modeling of water-sediment experiments is used to estimate degradation rates in both the water layer and the sediment. However the original aim of a water-sediment experiment was to get a picture of the products formed for the pesticide and their persistence in water-sediment systems. Till now it is still unclear whether water-sediment experiments are suitable for estimating of the degradation half lives in the water layer and the sediment separately. This question was tested using simulations with a model describing pesticide behaviour in a water layer and its underlying sediment, in order to exclude experimental errors and peculiarities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWOT Natuur & Milieu
Number of pages68
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Publication series

PublisherWettelijke Onderzoekstaken Natuur & Milieu


  • pesticides
  • water pollution
  • sediment test
  • sediment water interface
  • half life
  • simulation models
  • computer simulation
  • computer software
  • authorisation of pesticides
  • contaminated sediments
  • water bottoms


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