title = "Theory and system of automatic determination of soil moisture characteristics and unsaturated hydraulic conductivities",
keywords = "capillaire opstijging, hydraulisch geleidingsvermogen, hysterese, infiltratie, vocht, retentie, kwel, zuiging, spanning, pf-curve, capillary rise, hydraulic conductivity, hysteresis, infiltration, moisture, retention, seepage, suction, tension, pf-curve",
author = "D. Boels and {van Gils}, J.B.H.M. and G.J. Veerman and K.E. Wit",
year = "1978",
language = "English",
series = "Verspreide overdrukken",
publisher = "Instituut voor Cultuurtechniek en Waterhuishouding",
number = "222",