The vegetation and macrofungi of acid oakwoods in the North-East Netherlands

A.E. Jansen

    Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


    The fungus vegetation, the vegetation of phanerogams, mosses, and lichens, the soilprofiles are described and soil chemical analyses are made in the associations Dicrano-Quercetum, Querco-Betuletum, Violo- Quercetum, and its sub-association ilicetosum (sub-ass. nov.) in the province of Drenthe (NorthEast Netherlands). New methods are applied in the soil chemical analysis(amount of ions expressed in mass concentration, calculation of total ion supply), in the vegetation analysis (separate analysis of the moss synusia on rotten tree stumps and dead wood), and in the mycosociological analysis (determination of spatial frequency). The last-named method is used for the determination or estimation of the abundance of the mycelia per species, of the plot homogeneity, of the pattern of the species, and of the correlation between species. Based on the phytocoenose the Querco-Betuletum and the Violo-Quercetum appeared to be closely related, and to belong to the alliance Quercion robori-petraeae. It was confirmed that the Dicrano-Quercetum is less related, and did not belong to this alliance. In the soil there are differences between the syntaxa in the profiles and in the 'total ion supply'. The syntaxa have many differential species among the fungi in a way to support the concepts on the affinities based on the phytocoenoses. The 'minimal area' of the fungus vegetation was determined. Distribution patterns of fungus species within plots are discussed. Annotations on identifaction and taxonomy of fungi are given; a new fungus taxon is described:
    Psathyrellafulvescens var. dicrani .
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Barkman, J.J., Promotor, External person
    Award date2 Oct 1981
    Place of PublicationS.l.
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 1981


    • forests
    • vegetation
    • plant communities
    • research
    • cryptogams
    • forestry
    • trees
    • synecology
    • netherlands
    • drenthe


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