The structural and hydration properties of heat-treated rice studied at multiple lenght scales

M.M. Witek, W. Weglarz, L. de Jong, G. van Dalen, J.C.G. Blonk, P. Heussen, E. van Velzen, H. van As, J.P.M. van Duynhoven

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

40 Citations (Scopus)


The impact of heat-treatment on structure and hydration properties of rice was studied at different length scales (µm–nm). Heat-treatment introduced micro- and macro-pores within rice kernels (µCT) and, within intact cell walls, disintegrated starch granules were observed (SEM, CSLM). In native kernels starch predominantly occurred as crystalline A-type starch and, upon heat treatment, amorphous and V-type starch appeared (XRD, 13C CP MAS NMR). Plasticization of amorphous starch by water was more pronounced for heat-treated than for native kernels (13C SPE MAS NMR). Within native kernels, more effective spin diffusion between water and starch chains was present (WISE-Exchange), confirming the inter-helical nanoscale order of amylose helices. Upon heat-treatment, this inter-helical nanoscale order was lost, as well as microscale granular compartmentalisation (TD NMR). These findings explain why, upon heat-treatment, vapour sorption is lower and starch is more prone to gelatinization (DSC).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1031-1040
JournalFood Chemistry
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • cp-mas nmr
  • native starch granules
  • solid-state nmr
  • molecular mobility
  • extrusion-cooking
  • phase-transitions
  • wheat-starch
  • puffed rice
  • water
  • organization


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