The SEEA EEA carbon account for the Netherlands

Marjolein Lof, Sjoerd Schenau, Rixt de Jong, Roy Remme, Cor Graveland, Lars Hein

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The carbon account provides a comprehensive overview of all relevant carbon stocks and flows. The carbon account for the Netherlands was developed within the scope of the ‘System of Environmental Economic Accounts – Experimen tal Ecosystem Accounting’ (SEEA EEA) project for the Netherlands (Natuurlijk Kapitaalrekeningen Nederland: NKR_NL), which is currently c arried out jointly by Statistics Netherlands and Wageningen University. Funding and support was provided by the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure and the Environment. Within the NKR_NL project, a number of accounts are currently under devel opment. The carbon account is described in detail in this report.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationThe Hague
PublisherStatistics Netherlands
Number of pages64
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017


  • carbon dioxide
  • netherlands
  • carbon
  • economics
  • environment
  • biofuels
  • bioenergy
  • biogas
  • emission


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