title = "The SARP-project phase 3 (1992 - 1995) : overview, goals, plans : proceedings of the SARP research planning workshop held at the International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines, 19 - 21 March, 1992",
keywords = "computer simulation, oryza sativa, research, rice, simulation, simulation models, science, scientific research, computersimulatie, oryza sativa, onderzoek, rijst, simulatie, simulatiemodellen, wetenschap, wetenschappelijk onderzoek",
editor = "{ten Berge}, H.F.M. and M.J. Kropff and M.C.S. Wopereis",
year = "1992",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789073384217",
series = "SARP research proceedings",
publisher = "CABO",
address = "Netherlands",