The role of moral leadership for sustainable consumption and production

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperAcademicpeer-review


In this paper we argue that an adequate understanding of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) involves a mature consciousness of the interdependence between ourselves and the rest of our human family and its habitat. The principles, the actions and the vision that form the basis for SCP are not unknown, but there is a considerable gap between knowledge and action and behavioural incentives are not sufficient for system change. In the conversations between the authors of this paper, a practitioner and an academic, on the reasons for this knowledge-action gap there emerged a common recognition of the potentially significant role of values and particularly values-based leadership in the processes and partnerships that work for sustainability transitions in SCP. Our starting point is that values, what we humans consider to be good, are formed by a range of factors (cultural, political, social, religious) and are thus subject to change. Individuals who internalize values that are supportive of SCP manifest values-based leadership and if these are accompanied by specific capabilities, such leaders will exemplify the necessary paradigm shift towards sustainable consumption and production and lead the wider society towards it. The paper outlines how one model of values based leadership - the framework of moral leadership (ML)developed by Eloy Anello and others at Nur University in Bolivia - supports transformation towards sustainable consumption and production.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventGlobal Research Forum on Sustainable Consumption and Production Workshop, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil -
Duration: 13 Jun 201215 Jun 2012


WorkshopGlobal Research Forum on Sustainable Consumption and Production Workshop, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


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