The PREVIEW-Population studies: design and methods

E.J.M. Feskens, D. Sluik, M. Fogelholm, J. Brand-Miller, S. Poppit, A. Tremblay, A. Raben

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The overall objective of PREVIEW population studies is to substantiate the findings in the intervention study with data from five longitudinal population studies from Europe, New Zealand and Canada, covering the entire lifespan. It will be evaluated whether protein intake, glycaemic index (GI), and physical activity, are predictive of diabetes and its cardiovascular consequences. This will add insight into the natural history of diabetes, by considering specific dietary and exercise factors. The following epidemiological studies will be analysed: 1. The Netherlands: LifeLines (2006-ongoing), a three-generation population-based study in 165,000 people 4-90+y and NQplus (2011-ongoing), a survey in n=1,750 people 20-70y, repeated 3 times. 2. Finland: Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (1980-2012), a survey in n=3,596 people 3-18y at baseline, repeated 8 times. 3. New Zealand: NZ Adult Nutrition Survey (2008/09), a cross-sectional survey in n=4,721 people> 15y. 4. Canada: Quebec Family Study (1978-2002), a 3-phase longitudinal study from ~500 families including ~200 families with one obese member. A common database of these five population studies will be generated. Main exposure variables will be dietary components and physical activity. The outcome will be diabetes prevalence or incidence, and blood glucose parameters. Data-analysis will be conducted with meta-analytical techniques, using a random-effects model to consider heterogeneity among cohorts. Population attributable risks will give an estimate on how much of diabetes risk could theoretically be prevented by modifying these factors. Additionally, given that GI, one of the key exposures, is not routinely available in all food tables, a dedicated questionnaire focusing on assessing GI will be developed. It will be applied to the NQPlus cohort to gain insight into the quality of the GI results. The research described here receives funding from the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 312057.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-98
JournalAnnals of Nutrition & Metabolism
Issue numberSuppl.1
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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