title = "The parasite - host relationship between Encarsia formosa (Hym., Aphelinidae) and trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hom., Aleyrodidae) : population dynamics of parasite and host in a large, commercial glasshouse and test of the parasite-introduction method used in the Netherlands",
keywords = "teelt onder bescherming, biologische bestrijding, insecten, nuttige insecten, plantenplagen, aleyrodidae, trialeurodes vaporariorum, glastuinbouw, protected cultivation, biological control, insects, beneficial insects, plant pests, aleyrodidae, trialeurodes vaporariorum, greenhouse horticulture",
author = "{Eggenkamp - Rotteveel Mansveld}, M.H.",
year = "1983",
language = "English",
series = "Publikatie / Proefstation voor Tuinbouw onder Glas",
publisher = "Proefstation voor Tuinbouw onder Glas",
number = "no. 293",
address = "Netherlands",