The making and implementation of china's cleaner production promotion law

Arthur P.J. Mol*, Liu Ying

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


The information technology (IT) industry has been viewed as the world's most dominant industrial sector with its intensive capital and technology advantages. The globalization of the IT industry, along with its actual and potential environmental impacts, has rapidly influenced the economies of many developing or newly industrial regions, such as India, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan. The global IT economy is one of the major forces transforming the world social order. It includes the phenomenal growth of the Internet, large volumes of cross-border information flows, and the wireless revolution. The emergence of the dominant industrial IT structure in Taiwan has been shaped by the states unparalleled IT promotion policies and internationalized IT growth and competitiveness. IT dominance poses unprecedented challenges to an already weak system of environmental governance in a developmental state such as Taiwan. Public interests in environmental, community, and occupational health issues are often left out of the coalition policy in the IT-dominant context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGreening Industries in Newly Industrializing Economies
Subtitle of host publicationAsian-Style Leapfrogging
EditorsPeter Ho
PublisherTaylor & Francis
ISBN (Electronic)9781315810447
Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2014


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