The influence of the chain and network information and communication structure on sustainable business development

H.J. Bremmers, D.J. Haverkamp, S.W.F. Omta

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperAcademicpeer-review


This article links the public-private information and communication structure (IC-structure) and Ajzen¿s model of planned behaviour to explain the development of environmental management systems (EMSs). The structure of the IC-system, especially the public-private information exchange, can influence the priorities of managers in favour of environmental management development. From an survey under medium-sized companies in the Dutch agri-food sector we conclude that the setting of priorities by managers on environmental goals is not significantly influenced by the quality of communication between government and industry. Safeguarding the licence-to-produce makes the norms of non-governmental stakeholder groups of overruling importance for their strategic orientation. Therefore, governmental action to protect the environment should address the perceptions of ngo-stakeholders. For many medium-sized companies, a coercive rather than a co-operative governmental attitude should be adopted. This deviates from the present Dutch public policy, in which non-coercive instruments dominate.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Event2th International Conference on Economic and Management of Network, EMNET 2005, Budapest, Hungary -
Duration: 15 Sept 200517 Sept 2005


Conference/symposium2th International Conference on Economic and Management of Network, EMNET 2005, Budapest, Hungary


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