The Governance of Indigenous Natural Products in Namibia: A Policy Network Analysis

A. Ndeinoma*, K.F. Wiersum, B.J.M. Arts

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


At the end of the 20th century, optimism existed that non-timber forest products (NTFPs) can form an integral part in conservation and development strategies. However, there is limited knowledge on how the different
stakeholders could relate to the state or to each other in promoting commercialization of NTFPs. Applying the policy network as an analytical framework, we investigated the structural patterns of actor relations in the governance structure of indigenous natural products (INPs) in Namibia,
to understand the implications of such relations on INP policy process. The findings indicate that the INP policy network in Namibia is multi-dimensional, consisting of the Indigenous Plant Task Team (IPTT)—the key governance
structure for resource mobilization and information sharing;and functional relations which serve specific roles in theINP value chain. The existing relations have facilitated policy development particularly for heavily regulated species,
such as devil’s claw; but for other species, onlyincremental changes are observed in terms of small-scale processing facilities for value addition and exclusive purchase agreements for sustainable sourcing of INPs. Participation
of primary producers, private actors and quality standardization bodies is limited in INPs governance structures, which narrow the scope of information sharing.
Consequently, despite that the IPTT has fostered publicly funded explorative pilot projects, ranging from production to marketing of INPs, there are no clear guidelines how these projects results can be transferred to private entities
for possible commercialization. Further collaboration and information sharing is needed to guide public sector relations with the private entities and cooperatives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29-44
JournalEnvironmental Management
Issue number1
Early online date9 Jan 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2018


  • Actor relations
  • Governance structure
  • Indigenous natural products
  • Non-timber forest product
  • Policy network
  • Sustainable commercialization


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