title = "The future of Bovine Somatotropin in the European Union",
keywords = "hormonen, antibiotica, medicinaal voer, melkvee, melkveehouderij, somatotropine, overheidsbeleid, landbouwbeleid, agrarisch recht, landen van de europese unie, hormones, antibiotics, medicated feeds, dairy cattle, dairy farming, somatotropin, government policy, agricultural policy, agricultural law, european union countries",
author = "{van Berkum}, S. and J. Bijman and M. Martin and B. Nygard",
year = "1996",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789052423555",
series = "Mededeling / Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO)",
publisher = "LEI",
number = "565",
address = "Netherlands",