The exposure and adoption of New Rice for Africa (NERICAs) among Ghanaian rice farmers: What is the evidence?

S.K.O. Asuming-Brempong, K.A. Gyasi, A. Marfo, A. Diagne, A.N. Wiredu, A. Asuming Boakye, J. Haleegoah

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


The sustainable development of the rice sector in Ghana is constrained by environmental,socioeconomic, research and development factors. Productivity is generally low, about 1 mt/ha underupland and rain-fed lowland rice ecologies which dominate rice production systems in the country. Therelease and diffusion of the New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties across many countries in Africa(including Ghana) brought renewed hope to both farmers and the research community because of thedesirable qualities associated with the NERICAs, and therefore their potential to improve food securityon a sustainable basis. This study therefore sought to assess the extent of exposure and adoption ofthe NERICA varieties across the rice growing districts in Ghana, and determine the key factors thataffect adoption. A total of 489 rice producing households from three districts (Ejura-Sekyedumase,Hohoe and Tolon-Kumbungu) were involved in the study. The study employs the average treatmenteffect (ATE) methodology which provides an appropriate framework for the identification andconsistent estimation of the population adoption rate and that of the determinants of adoption. Thestudy finds that exposure to NERICA varieties is generally low in Ghana with an average rate of about6%. Similarly, the adoption of improved rice varieties is low, and the adoption of NERICA varieties isabout 6% of the total sample surveyed. The study shows that experience, education and location areimportant determinants of exposure, while age and access to extension also affect adoption. It istherefore recommended that much effort and resources should be invested in promotional activities tofacilitate both the exposure and adoption of the NERICAs among farmers in Ghana.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5911-5917
JournalAfrican Journal of Agricultural Research
Issue number27
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Adoption
  • Determinants
  • Exposure
  • Nericas
  • Productivity


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