The EnergyTag: A Wearable Software Sensor for Online Monitoring of Animal’s Dynamic Energy Expenditure

Y.J.M. Aarts*, K. Vodorezova, Yajing Tang, M.J.W. Heetkamp, B.F.A. Laurenssen, A. Youssef

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademicpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


In animal ecosystems, energy expenditure plays a pivotal role in animals’ survival success, reproduction, and population dynamics. Throughout an animal's daily life, the total energy expenditure undergoes dynamic changes influenced by numerous internal and external factors. Hence, monitoring such dynamic changes in animal’s energy expenditure can serve as early indicators for underlaying health issues and welfare concerns. Indirect calorimetry in a climate respiration chamber (CRC) is the gold standard for measuring energy expenditure, yet its application is constrained. Placing animals in the CRC may induce stress, impacting metabolic rates, and the artificial chamber environment raises concerns about ecological validity. Addressing these limitations is essential for advancing our understanding of diverse metabolic processes. This article introduces an innovative non-invasive software-sensor for online monitoring of dynamic energy expenditure, the difference between total energy expenditure and resting energy expenditure. The proposed system features a wearable integrated sensor, enabling the online measurement of activity, heat flux, and skin temperature. Complementing this hardware, the system incorporates an adaptive subject-specific model to estimate the time-varying energy expenditure, which is used to infer dynamic energy expenditure. In this particular study, the software-sensor is developed and validated using four pigs spanning different ages. The system is benchmarked against indirect-calorimetric measurements within a CRC. The experimental protocol encompasses varied temperature conditions, namely higher, within, and lower than the thermal neutral zone, at low and high activity levels. While the experiments are ongoing, the preliminary findings show great promise, and the validation results will be presented in the forthcoming paper.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPLF 2024)
EditorsD. Berckmans, P. Tassinari, D. Torreggiani
PublisherEuropean Association for Precision Livestock Farming
ISBN (Electronic)9791221067361
ISBN (Print)9798331303549
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024
Event11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming - Bologna, Italy
Duration: 9 Sept 202412 Sept 2024


Conference/symposium11th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming


  • Software-sensor
  • non-invasive
  • random forest
  • energy expenditure
  • subject-specific


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