The effectiveness of the salutogenic approach to health promotion according to the Ottawa Charter principles and action areas. Oral Presentation

B. Lindström, M. Mittelmark, S. Sagy, G. Espnes, M. Cattan, M. Eriksson, L. Vaandrager, B. Bruun Jensen, G. Bauer, E. Ziglio, G. Laverack

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


Since health promotion was launched in 1986 through the Ottawa Charter it has suffered from the lack of a good theoretical foundation. However, it has now been demonstrated that the original salutogenic theory (The Sense Of Coherence Theory of Antonovsky) matches the principles of the Ottawa Charter (OC). The evidence of a global systematic review on SOC proves that people and systems that have developed a strong SOC have a positive health outcome regarding the OC action areas. In 2007 IUHPE established a Global Working Group on Salutogenesis (GWG-SAL). In December 2010 10 research centers formed a core group for the GWG-SAL. These centers represent different profiles related to salutogenesis such as policy development, reorientation of health services, settings approaches such as workplace health, community action, health behaviours and learning for health, NCD interventions, development of research methods and indicators, contemporary evidence base and Systematic reviews, the life-course approach, mental health, quality of life, population health and specific target groups such as youth and elderly... The proposed subkeynote/workshop or symposium proposes to coherently address these aspects where representatives of the Core Group speak to the core aspects of the above issues and discuss further research and interventions regarding the salutogenic approach to health and health promotion
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIn International Conference on Assets for Health and Wellbeing across the Life Course. London, 26-27 september 2011
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventIn International Conference on Assets for Health and Wellbeing across the Life Course, London -
Duration: 26 Sept 201127 Sept 2011


Conference/symposiumIn International Conference on Assets for Health and Wellbeing across the Life Course, London


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