The effect of oral and product temperature on the perception of flavor and texture attributes of semi-solids

L. Engelen, R.A. de Wijk, J.F. Prinz, A.M. Janssen, H. Weenen, F. Bosman

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    64 Citations (Scopus)


    This study examined the effect of oral and product temperature on the perception of texture and flavor attributes. A trained panel assessed 21 texture and flavor attributes in one high-fat and one low-fat product of two semi-solids: custard dessert and mayonnaise. The products were evaluated at 10, 22 or 35 °C in combination with oral temperatures of 27, 35 and 43 °C. Results showed that modulation of product and oral temperature had significant effects on a number of attributes. Flavor intensities, melting mouth feel, and fat after feel increased, while subjective thickness decreased with increasing product temperature. Neither product- nor oral temperature had an effect on over-all creaminess. Oral temperature affected a number of mouth feel attributes: melting, heterogeneous and smooth. Furthermore, large differences existed in ratings between the high- and low-fat products of custard and mayonnaise, and they were more prominent in mayonnaise. We conclude that the effect of oral temperature on the perception of sensory attributes in semi-solids was small, but present, while the product temperatures influenced the ratings greatly.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)273-281
    Issue number2-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • creamy perception
    • custard desserts
    • taste
    • foods
    • semisolids
    • sweetness
    • responses
    • intensity
    • water
    • fluid


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