title = "The economics of landscape and wildlife conservation.",
keywords = "natuurbescherming, landschapsbescherming, wildbescherming, flora, fauna, wild, bescherming, conservering, wildbeheer, dieren, landbouwgrond, landschap, ecologie, gewassen, landbouw, fenologie, acclimatisatie, overheidsbeleid, landbouwbeleid, agrarisch recht, investering, kosten-batenanalyse, economische evaluatie, economie, gebruikswaarde, economische impact, landen van de europese unie, nature conservation, landscape conservation, wildlife conservation, flora, fauna, wildlife, protection, conservation, wildlife management, animals, agricultural land, landscape, ecology, crops, agriculture, phenology, acclimatization, government policy, agricultural policy, agricultural law, investment, cost benefit analysis, economic evaluation, economics, use value, economic impact, european union countries",
editor = "S. Dabbert and A. Dubgaard and L.H.G. Slangen and M.C. Whitby",
year = "1998",
language = "English",
isbn = "9780851992228",
publisher = "CABI",
address = "United Kingdom",