title = "The development cycle of some aquatic plants in the Netherlands",
keywords = "aquatische gemeenschappen, zoet water, moerassen, nederland, parasitaire planten, plantengemeenschappen, synecologie, onkruiden, binnenwateren, aquatic communities, fresh water, marshes, netherlands, parasitic plants, plant communities, synecology, weeds, inland waters",
author = "B.J. Hoogers and {van der Weij}, H.G.",
note = "Overdr.: Proceedings of the European weed research council of the International symposium on aquatic weeds, 3rd (1971), 3-18",
year = "1971",
language = "English",
series = "Mededeling / Biologisch en scheikundig onderzoek van landbouwgewassen",
number = "no. 449",