The D3-D5 region of large subunit ribosomal DNA provides good resolution of German limnic and terrestrial nematode communities

Janina Schenk*, Karin Hohberg, Hans Helder, Kai Ristau, Walter Traunspurger

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Reliable and well-developed DNA barcode databases are indispensable for the identification of microscopic life. However, effectiveness of molecular barcoding in identifying terrestrial specimens, and nematodes in particular, has received little attention. In this study, ca 600 ribosomal large subunit DNA fragments (D3-D5 region) were successfully amplified for 79 limnic and terrestrial nematode species sampled at 147 locations across Germany. Distinctive DNA motifs in the LSU region were identified in 80% of all species examined. For 13 supposedly single morphospecies, 2-7 LSU barcode groups were detected with a wide range of intraspecific variations (0.09-7.9%). This region seems to be more suitable for the assessment of limno-terrestrial nematode diversity than the frequently used mitochondrial gene COI, as amplification success of the latter fragment is low for several nematode species. Our reference database for nematodes may serve as a starting point for applied and fundamental studies for these ubiquitous, ecologically highly relevant, organisms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)821-837
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • barcoding
  • diversity
  • German Barcode of Life
  • large ribosomal subunit
  • limno-terrestrial nematodes
  • molecular barcode


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