title = "The cost of policy inaction : the case of not meeting the 2010 biodiversity target",
abstract = "The COPI methodology and valuation database. Change in land use, climate, pollution, water use; change in biodiversity; change in ecosystem functions; change in ecosystem services contributes to change in economic value. The Cost of Policy Inaction (COPI) is described in monitory terms. The outcome (of this project) is the valuation database. In this project worked together: Alterra, IEEP (Brussels), Ecologic (Germany), FEEM (Italy), GHK (UK), UNEP and Witteveen+Bos",
keywords = "biodiversiteit, natuurbescherming, kosten, kostenanalyse, economische analyse, milieubeleid, landen van de europese unie, natuurbeleid, ecosysteemdiensten, biodiversity, nature conservation, costs, cost analysis, economic analysis, environmental policy, european union countries, nature conservation policy, ecosystem services",
author = "L.C. Braat and {ten Brink}, P. and T.C. Klok",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
series = "Alterra-rapport",
publisher = "Alterra",
number = "1718",
address = "Netherlands",