Temporary heat storage by using combined heat and power in supplementary lighted greenhouses Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Artificial Lighting in Horticulture

J.P.G. Huijs

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Because of better utilization possibilities of the produced heat, decentrally located combined heat and power installations achieve a higher energetic efficiency than producing heat and power separately. However, efficiency depends considerably on synchronism of heat and electricity demand. Using a combined heat and power installation to feed the supplementary lighting in greenhouses leads to great differences with regard to quantity and simultaneity of the heat production and demand. This problem can be solved by storing temporary heat surpluses in a buffer. In an experimental greenhouse, cultivated with supplementary lighted roses, research has been done to study the prospects of temporary heat storage. Storage of temporary heat surpluses from the heat and power installation resulted in an energy saving of 60 kWh/m2/yr. In case of storing heat surpluses from both combined heat and power installation and boiler (used for CO2 production), an energy saving of 95 kWh/m2/yr was realized.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)203-208
    JournalActa Horticulturae
    Publication statusPublished - 1997


    • Buffer
    • Energy saving
    • Heat surpluses
    • Synchronism of heat and electricity demand


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