title = "Technical documentation for SUMO2 v. 3.2.1",
abstract = "SUMO2 simulates the vegetation succession and biomass increment for several vegetation types on the basis of five competing functional types (grasses and herbs, dwarf shrubs, shrubs and two tree species) and three organs (roots, wood, leaves). The functional types compete for light, nitrogen and phosphorus. The biomass increment is influenced depended on the functional type by moisture availability temperature and management including grazing",
keywords = "modellen, plantensuccessie, vegetatie, vegetatietypen, biomassa, models, plant succession, vegetation, vegetation types, biomass",
author = "G.W.W. Wamelink",
note = "Met CD-Rom. - Project WOT-04-002-5231877-01",
year = "2008",
language = "English",
series = "WOt-werkdocument",
publisher = "WOT Natuur & Milieu",
number = "108",
address = "Netherlands",