Tailor-made functionalized silicon and/or germanium surfaces

H. Zuilhof (Inventor), C.G.P.H. Schroën (Inventor), A.A.M. Khamis (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The present invention relates to functionalized silicon and/or germanium surfaces, methods for the preparation of such tailor-made functionalized silicon and/or germanium surfaces, the use of such tailor-made functionalized silicon and/or germanium surfaces for the preparation of surface-bonded organic materials and the use in industrial devices. The silicon and/or germanium surfaces comprise silicon nitride, silicon carbide, germanium nitride, germanium carbide and silicon germanium surfaces.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2005123273
Priority date21/06/04
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2004


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